Genus by Alto Software is professional bankruptcy software. It is used by law firms and bankruptcy petition prepares handling multiple cases. It incorporates artificial intelligence to assist in choosing property exemptions, applying census bureau standards, cross-referencing all schedules, calculation of a Chapter 13 Plan and more DOWNLOAD
Genus is Windows based software that can be run on a PC or a Mac. It is not currently available for Android systems.
With the software, there are no PDF forms to fill. The program collects information through a series of Modal Dialog Interfaces and translates that information into digitally accurate bankruptcy forms..
Genus has electronic filing capabilities for attorneys with a log in to the Bankruptcy Courts NexGen CM/ECF and will automatically upload all forms, petitions, mailing matrix, and summaries that are required.
Genus is geared towards the consumer as well as the professional. Non registered use allows the consumer filer to prepare his own case for free and save thousands on attorneys fee's
Online help is available to answer questions about how to file bankruptcy through a software program and how to use the program.
Without the help of a software program, preparing a bankruptcy case can take days of tedious tedious form data entry, correcting errors, developing the cross referencing memory of a skilled paralegal. Genus bankruptcy software does all of the work for you, incorporating zip code databases, census bureau databases, tables of bankruptcy exemptions and computer assistance in choosing the right exemptions.